William B. Greene in the Second Seminole War

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“From Florida.—Captain Beall, of the second regiment of dragoons, captured four Indians on the 4th instant, one of them said to be Holatoochee, a sub-chief of the Micasookies. The captain had about a dozen of his men with him, and the capture was made after some hours of chase, from among a party of thirty Indians. The four were taken to Fort Poinsett, and were to be employed by Captain Beall as guides.

“On the 7th, the house of Mr. Dorsey, two miles and a half from Chattachoochie, was plundered and burnt. Mr. Dorsey had previously removed with his family to Alabama.

“On the 6th, a scout of 30 men, under Lieut. Hanson, was fired on by an ambuscade, near Wacahoota. One man killed and four wounded. Lieut. Hanson’s men made a firm stand against the Indians and they finally fled, with some loss. Captain Bonneville, with his company of infantry, and a body of mounted men under Lieut. Wm. B. Greene, pursued them forty miles, the next day, but were unable to overtake them.

“On the same day a young man named Geiger was killed by the same party of Indians. His body was found on the 10th, horribly mangled—his head cut off and taken away.”

Boston Post, September 26, 1840, p. 2


About Shawn P. Wilbur 2719 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.