True thought and feeling transmit harmony by means of chords, so if you want to know the truth, do not resort to deception. Deceit is vain; it disappears before the all-knowing eye like the wave before the rock!
“Mémoire justificatif” (July 28-29, 1874, Splügen, Switzerland) Supporting documents that I write principally for my poor Antonia. I beg Emilio to read it first, then to give it to Cafiero to read, who could give […]
[Max Nettlau pointed to this letter as the first evidence of anarchist leanings in Bakunin’s writings.] [Early August, 1848] To Citizen George Herwegh. Paris. [Rue St. Augustins] 40 9 [r. sur Cirque]# To George My […]
I’ve been reading bits and pieces of Louise Michel’s novels, as part of a larger project to get a general sense of what’s out there, and naturally with some eye to what might be worth […]