James Thierry, “Another New Name” (1894)

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This short article appeared in the midst of the “red-flag” vs. “white-flag” anarchy debate, during the period when J. William Lloyd was developing the ideas that would eventually appear in The Red Heart in a White World.

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Another New Name.

To the Editor of Liberty:

As the mountain refuses to come to us, I would propose that we go to the mountain.

I have no admiration for a flag which, in the absence of a common herd, would be a nuisance. And yet we should not be so obstinately conservative as to invite persecution for the sake of a name. As evolutionists, there can be no good reason why we should be branded, collectively, with revolutionists.

To avoid such a misfortune, I would suggest that philosophical Anarchists drop their old title and simply call themselves Antiarchists. What are Antiarchists? They are philosophers who believe in and progressively assist the evolution of an improved society based on liberty and equity and excluding majority and minority rules.

I think that with such a name and declaration of principles the ignorant and vicious would give us rest, as they could not possibly mistake and misrepresent our name and aim any longer.

What say the friends of Liberty?

Truly yours,

James Thierry.

James Thierry, “Another New Name,” Liberty 10 no. 12 (October 20, 1894): 3.


About Shawn P. Wilbur 2720 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.