I would say “mark your calendars”…

…but some critical details are lacking. The Canadian Magazine, in 1902, included a short item on the origins of anarchism, which included these details: “The professional anarchist is a loafer and an idler, a gambler and a lover of dark living. Once a year a great anarchist gathering is held on Long Island, New York. The leading sport at the latest gathering there was shooting with rifles at targets made to represent the crowned heads of Europe.”

About Shawn P. Wilbur 2722 Articles
Independent scholar, translator and archivist.


  1. This shooting party must have been in the summer of 1901 (if, of course, it ever took place at all) — since the magazine calls it “last summer,” and a) the magazine is dated spring rather than fall 1902, and b) it refers to McKinley’s assassination as taking place “afterwards.” But I haven’t been able to find any other reference to it.

  2. Long Island has a long anarchist heritage. I’d be proud to live here, but it’s in New York, which means it sucks.

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