W. B. G., “Fourierism” (1844)
W. B. G., “Fourierism,” Boston Courier 20 no. 6167 (April 13, 1844): 1. We can be fairly certain that there was more than one writer using the initials W. B. G. in New England newspapers […]
W. B. G., “Fourierism,” Boston Courier 20 no. 6167 (April 13, 1844): 1. We can be fairly certain that there was more than one writer using the initials W. B. G. in New England newspapers […]
One of the missing pieces in my collection of Ravachol-related material has been the source of a phrase by Paul Paillette—often quoted, but always without enough information to even begin track it down: Ravachol-Jesus. I […]
M. R., “Gigi Damiani,” Resistance 11 no. 4 (February, 1954): 5-6. Gigi Damiani Gigi Damiani, one of the outstanding men of the anarchist movement, died in Rome, Italy, November 16, 1953, at the age […]
[Numbers in parentheses are the numbers printed on the pamphlet.] Balzac Library [Hathi Trust] (1) Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Ghost of Doctor Harris (February 19, 1900) [Hathi] (2) Hannah Lynch, Zola vs. Tolstoi: or, “Fecundity” vs. […]
The gray car is stopped alongside a ditch, at the edge of the woods (which of its nerves has tensed? — which of its arteries has clogged, refusing the vital rush to its heart?) and under the car a young man crawls, thrashes, swears. On the road, his footsteps silent on the carpet of yellowed leaves (for we are in autumn, the sad autumn of all things!) He approaches. He is a blond vagabond, his long hair unkempt, his beard parted at the chin. […]
Related Links: A Documentary History of the Movement for Equitable Commerce Digitized at Library of Commerce SONGS, sung at the celebration of Paine’s birth day, in New Harmony Jan. 19, 1839. THERE’S NOTHING LIKE TRUTH. […]
Related links: E. Armand [main page] Feuillets de propagande émancipatrice, N° 4 L’idéal libertaire et sa réalisation par E. ARMAND de l’Ere Nouvelle L’autorité a fait son temps: sous quelle forme qu’elle se présente: dogmes, […]
Twilight and the last books are heaped upon the fire. Heat to warm old bones. Acrid smoke to tickle memories. We sit — we, old ones now, but once so young. We sit around the fire. Old war birds, made lean and light by time, by speed. Brittle now, but still. . . […]
Chronological Bibliography – William Henry Van Ornum Works Co-Operation W. H. Van Ornum. Inter Ocean, (Chicago, IL) Wednesday, September 08, 1875; pg. 2; Issue 143; Conservators’ League An Address to Business Men. The Daily Inter […]
The distinctions of sex seem to extend throughout all nature, certainly through all animate nature; and there is reason to believe that it does not stop at the limits of what is termed the inanimate. In fact, who can say that nature is anywhere inanimate? Every atom of the universe seems to possess the power of selection, by which it is able, under favorable conditions, to attract to itself certain other atoms widely diverse from itself in physical properties, which, together form new substances and manifest new attractions. Along with these attractions and their correlative repulsions goes the active interplay of natural forces, which, throughout every part of the universe, is working evolutionary changes not unlike a progressive growth. Even deep below the ocean’s bed, or far beneath the foundations of the everlasting hills, under pressures so great that they cannot be estimated, heat, electricity and magnetism, combined with chemical reactions are changing old forms into new ones in a manner strangely suggestive of vital action. Even there, the separate atoms are moving freely among each other and arranging themselves in definite order, building up crystals always according to certain patterns, each after its own kind. […]
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