Fragments from “The Distributive Passions”
[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 0px”] The Distributive Passions is a fiction project that I’ve worked on from time to time, mostly as a way to explore problems in my study of anarchist history and theory […]
[one_third padding=”0 10px 0 0px”] The Distributive Passions is a fiction project that I’ve worked on from time to time, mostly as a way to explore problems in my study of anarchist history and theory […]
LINKS: E. Armand — Main Page Fleurs de Solitude (1923-1925) PERIODICALS EDITED BY E. ARMAND: L’Ère nouvelle (1901-1911) [Fragments] [Presse Anarchiste] [Bianco] Éditions de L’Ère nouvelle: [Bianco] Hors du troupeau (1911) [Bianco] Les Réfractaires (1912-1914) […]
LINKS: E. Armand — Main Page E. ARMAND — BIBLIOGRAPHY: [SIGNED ARTICLES] BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BROADSIDES: [1899] ✔ Emile Zola, Le Triomphe de la vérité : justifications des allégations contenues dans “J’accuse” par le débats de […]
— I have recently had the pleasure of paying a visit to the camarade Benj. R. Tucker, whose ideas have been made known to you through our study of the work of Mr. Paul Ghio. Benj. R. Tucker is a great admirer of Max Stirner and of Proudhon, no one will doubt it, and of Mr. Henry Maret. He does not give of himself lightly, so we can only congratulate ourselves on his cordiality, as well as the graciousness of Mme. Tucker. Benj. R. Tucker is not very affectionate toward the libertarians of this country and it was not without a smile that he frankly declared to us that “there are not three anarchists in France.” […]
If man has rights, it is not to demand of the law — (that is to say of the arbitrary wills of others) — the permission to have them. He must determine them logically and exercise them freely, if necessary despite the law […]
Individualism does not mean isolation. When an individualist isolates themselves from certain groups at certain moments — groups which they could freely join — it is because the individuals who make up those groups do not satisfy their aspirations. […]
To spend time with anarchists, just to find oneself as miserable as among the archists—the game is not worth the candle…
To spend time with anarchists, just to be smothered in an atmosphere of intellectual mutilation or a crippling of the life of the senses—that is truly not worth the trouble.
And an Anarchist Individualist International is only possible if those who form it possess first of all have a mentality and habits of their own, very much of their own, released from concerns about experimentation, freed from the fear of living. […]
Documents Un programme individualiste Abolition of tout tribut : loyer, rente, dime ou impôt. Suppression de toute institution militaire, multitudiniste ou patronale. Abolition de tout démarcation : borne, poteau-frontière. Une seule langue universelle. Négation de tout titre. […]
RELATED: “Our Lost Continent” (April, 2015) “Looking Forward—Mapping Our Lost Continent” (April, 2018) “Neo-Proudhonian Anarchism (A Step toward Synthesis)” (April 19, 2018) “Our Lost Continent: Episodes from an Alternate History of the Anarchist Idea, 1840–1934” […]
[ A translation in progress. ] [Sylvain Maréchal: Pastoral Simplicity and Patriarchal Government (author page)] CORRECTIF A LA REVOLUTION CORRECTIVE TO THE REVOLUTION Tous nos malheurs sont dûs la Société: L’homme perdit ses droite à […]
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