progress reports

Gérard de Lacaze-Duthiers, “The True Revolutionaries” (1922)

The true revolutionaries have always been, in all times and all countries, those whose minds have been broad enough to grasp the most conflicting formulas, to extract from each of them the portion of truth that they contain and to attempt to reconcile them in a higher harmony. The “revolutionaries” are not always those whom we designate by that name: instead, these often deserve the epithet of “reactionaries,” as their acts entirely justify. […]

encyclopedia entries

Anarchist Encyclopedia: Indefinite

Entries from the Anarchist Encyclopedia [one_half padding=”0 10px 0 0px”] INDÉFINI adj., accidentellement subs. (du latin indefinitus) Qui n’est pas délimité, soit dans l’absolu, soit au regard de nos connaissances. L’humanité nous paraît susceptible d’un […]