Ricardo Mella, “Spain” (1897)
Spain. Time passes and, far from improving, the situation in Spain grows worse and worse. The colonial wars go badly and the hope of a swift pacification is abandoned. The exceptional state of Barcelona has […]
Spain. Time passes and, far from improving, the situation in Spain grows worse and worse. The colonial wars go badly and the hope of a swift pacification is abandoned. The exceptional state of Barcelona has […]
[ezcol_2third] [The Max Nettlau Papers include correspondence from Benzion Liber, editor Rational Living (New York.) Among the letters is the English-language manuscript of an article written by Nettlau, which was returned by Liber. ] […]
[published in L’Egalité, May 22, 1869] GENEVA, May 21. The International Movement of the Workers. If, today, there is one fact that strikes the minds of the most recalcitrant conservatives, it is the always more […]
PRICE ONE HALF-PENNY. Why Vaillant Threw the Bomb! FELLOW-WORKERS,— We feel it our duty, as English comrades, in the face of what has been said by the smug faced hirelings of the capitalist press concerning […]
A HANDWRITTEN MANUSCRIPT BY RAVACHOL Since his condemnation to death, Ravachol has written a great deal in prison. Here is a long handwritten text that we have been able to obtain, not without great difficulties. […]
A Jailhouse Fragment Conciergerie, Cell 1, April 13, 1892 Individual interest, the source of all of men’s wrongs, must, if we wish to establish harmony in humanity, be replaced by the common interest. Koningstein
RAVACHOL’S EXPERIMENT. He Felt the Revolutionary Pulse and Found It Does Not Beat. Paris, April 17. — In an interview with his brother today Ravachol said: “I am neither a visionary nor a firebrand. I […]
THE VOICE OF THE PENAL COLONY While the populations panic and cheer the hangman tsar, while the bourgeois and the governmentals congratulate themselves on the success of their stratagems and observe that human stupidity is […]
A WHISKY ANARCHIST A Young Man Excites People by Calling for Nitro-Glycerine to Make Bombs With. George A. Schroeder, who keeps a drug store at No. 423 St. Clair Street, telephoned the central police station […]
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