
Add it up

I was listening to a local, very mainstream news broadcast last night, and the report was that, while Oregon’s unemployment rate was 12.2%, well above the national average, the underemployment rate was something like 23%. […]


JUSTICE: Law of Progress

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Justice in the Revolution and in the Church, Volume I, “Program,” section XI. § XI. — Law of progress: Social destination. An objection is posed.—If the center or pivot of philosophy, namely Justice, […]

Corvus Distribution

Taking Wing: Dead end streets

Back in December of last year, in the midst of the “conflation” debates, I posted a couple of articles about the retail book industry: “Who benefits most economically from state centralization?” and “there’s nothing wrong […]



Although nobody mentioned it, it looks like the pdf files for the Dyer Lum and Tchernychevsky booklets were not available yesterday. They should be accessible now, and I hope to have pdfs, in both pamphlet […]


A document for discussion

Some thoughts on the nature and function of the ALLiance, stemming from our recent internal conflicts: The ALLiance should be welcoming to women, men, trans-women and trans-men, of whatever sexual preference, people of all nationalities […]